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The self COVID-19 diagnosis site of South Korea and make it it do some processing automatically by python.


by 경밤 2020. 7. 24. 21:33



The self COVID 19 diagnosis site of South Korea and

make it it do some processing automatically by python.

In South Korea, Each office of education(korean=교육청) by region supplies 'Self Diagnosis' site for COVID-19. Although many students have been bothered by it, they have to do it every 8 a.m even more not to go school.

so, I thought that something do covid-19 self diagnosis itself. Anyway I made it simply by python.

Let me introduce.


To make auto diagnosising program, I first visited office of education web site. and analyzed responses and requests. (I used Firefox Developer Edition for it)

Finally, I found some features.

  • 1. All of requests's method is POST

  • 2. It just only different domain name of offices and all the *.do files are same.

  • 3. All of results are in resultSVO, JSON object. and all of datas must be received by JSON.(except HTML)

Before request code, I list request & response sequence.

  1. Get the number of school from stv_cvd_co00_004.do

  2. Send student datas to get qstnCrtfcNoEncpt from stv_cvd_co00_012.do

  3. Send again to stv_cvd_co00_000.do to get survey html

  4. Send survey data to stv_cvd_co01_000.do to refresh qstnCrtfcNoEncpt

  5. Get result message by sending same data from stv_cvd_co02_000.do


Actually It's all of the code. we don't need any special Headers or some cookies..

So I list only requests body by sequence number.


1. {"schulNm":"school name"}


-> response : 'schulCode'(the number of school)


2. {"qstnCrtfcNoEncpt":"","rtnRsltCode":"","schulCode":schulCode,"schulNm":"school name","pName":"my name","frnoRidno":"birthday like 900503 (03, 05, 1990)","aditCrtfcNo":""}


-> response : 'qstnCrtfcNoEncpt'


3. {"qstnCrtfcNoEncpt":"qstnCrtfcNoEncpt","rtnRsltCode":"","schulCode":schulCode, "schulNm":"school name","pName":"my name","frnoRidno":"birthday like 900503 (03, 05, 1990)","aditCrtfcNo":""}


-> response -> survey html


4. { "rtnRsltCode":resultSVO.rtnRsltCode, "qstnCrtfcNoEncpt":resultSVO.qstnCrtfcNoEncpt, "schulNm":resultSVO.schulNm, "stdntName":resultSVO.stdntName , "rspns01":"1","rspns02":"1","rspns07":"0","rspns08":"0","rspns09":"0" }


rspns01... 02 07 are the questions that I answered.


5. { "rtnRsltCode":resultSVO.rtnRsltCode, "qstnCrtfcNoEncpt":resultSVO.qstnCrtfcNoEncpt, "schulNm":resultSVO.schulNm, "stdntName":resultSVO.stdntName , "rspns01":"1","rspns02":"1","rspns07":"0","rspns08":"0","rspns09":"0" }


send same data with 4.

you can get result message from the innerText of first 'p' tag in #content_detail1.



Last, my code.

import requests, json, pprint
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import urllib.parse
print("**e 형식, 남도는 *ne, 북도는 *be, 경기는 goe 등.")
state = input("지역코드 입력해주세요 (ex:경남 gne, 충북 cbe) : ")
host = 'eduro.gbe.kr' #교육청, 학교 api는 따로 신청해야함;;
domain = 'https://'+host

req = requests.session()
res = req.get(domain+"/hcheck/index.jsp")

school = input("school : ")
name = input("name : ")
birthday = input("birthday (060405, 06 4, 5) : ")

body = {"schulNm":school}
header = {
    "User-Agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:79.0) Gecko/| 20100101 Firefox/79.0",
    "Content-Type":"application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8",

json = req.post(domain+"/stv_cvd_co00_004.do", data=body, headers=header).json()

if(json["resultSVO"]["rtnRsltCode"] == "SUCCESS"):
    print("success to get school data")

    schulCode = json["resultSVO"]["schulCode"]
    body = {"qstnCrtfcNoEncpt":"","rtnRsltCode":"","schulCode":schulCode,"schulNm":school,"pName":name,"frnoRidno":birthday,"aditCrtfcNo":""}
    json = req.post(domain+"/stv_cvd_co00_012.do", data=body, headers=header).json()
    rsltCode = json["resultSVO"]["rtnRsltCode"]

    body["rtnRsltCode"] = rsltCode
    if(rsltCode == "SUCCESS"):
        print("personal data success")
        qstnCrtfcNoEncpt = json["resultSVO"]["qstnCrtfcNoEncpt"]
        body["qstnCrtfcNoEncpt"] = qstnCrtfcNoEncpt
        html = req.post(domain+"/stv_cvd_co00_000.do", data=body, headers=header).text
        soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')
        form = soup.find("form", {"id":"infoForm"})
        bestAnswers = {}
        titles = []
        for t in form.find_all("table"):
            titles.append(t.find("th", {"scope":"row"}).text)
            input = t.find("label").find("input")
            bestAnswers[input["name"]] = input["value"]

        json = req.post(domain+"/stv_cvd_co01_000.do", data=body, headers=header).json()
        if(json["resultSVO"]["rtnRsltCode"] == "SUCCESS"):
            print("o.k. to submit survey")
            html = req.post(domain+"/stv_cvd_co02_000.do", data=body, headers=header).text
            soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')
            resultMsg = soup.find("div", {"id":"content_detail1"}).find("p").text
            print("result message")
            print("It've done")
        print("2. failed to cert personal data")

    print("1.failed to get school data")




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