What a simply implemented Matrix four arithmetic operations in GoLang!
In this post, We are going to make a matrix and additional arithmetic operations plus, minus. mulitply and scalar mulitply the last. The chapter of post: 1. Matrix Structure 2. Matrix Functions 3. Implement Four Arithmetic Operations 4. Let's Go https://github.com/SnowyPainter/Matrix SnowyPainter/Matrix Contribute to SnowyPainter/Matrix development by creating an account on GitHub. github.com Fi..
2020.05.01 -
How to sign in and sign up with Firebase on Javascript
Before reading this post, you have to set up all settings for firebase. You can find documentations at here, and you have to build a simple localhost server. I think this would help you. Let's go to build simple login/logout/register code. Registing will be handled on Firebase admin SDK (on server) and the elses will be handled on Web. First, You have to add this code snippets in your html files..
2020.04.25 -
How to use 'Html/Template' For your Echo Server in Go!
Hi Everybody, In this post we are going to build a simple http server with template. Prior to speaking, we have to know what does template doing. Template is just a view engine. Have you ever used Node.JS? then you know there is a populur View Engine called 'ejs'. It's make with ejs. You can put values in 'static' html and, do some cool things in html. Let's build it! Ah, I'm sorry. I forgot to ..
2020.04.18 -
Setting up Go develop environment for Beginners
Hi everybody, In this post, We are going to make a Go language developing environment for VisualStudie Code. Let's install Go 1. Install Go Language. https://golang.org/ The Go Programming Language Download Go Binary distributions available for Linux, macOS, Windows, and more. // You can edit this code! // Click here and start typing. package main import "fmt" func main() { fmt.Println("Hello, 世..
2020.04.18 -
C# WebSocket-Sharp, Make it more smart
The WebSocket-Sharp's data sending and receiving events are simple and could be only usage of first demension. So, We can try to make it more high level for us. WebSocket-Sharp supports each one event that receiving and sending. If we try to use only this two methods,then that's too hard and difficult for us to so, we give up the coding. In this post, I will make only two classes and one interfa..
2020.04.13 -
C# The way to make Real-time audio communication RTC in WPF with WebSocket-Sharp
In this post , We are going to make a Real-Time audio communication. First, We have to use NAudio to RTA. Second, Know the specificity of "IWaveProvier". Let's make some appliction. There will be created 3 classes. The frist we're going to code is EndlessProvider. This class will work like that provide sample which get other computer all the time and wrtie them on the stream that passed on contr..